Cancellation and Return Policy

Once your order is delivered to you and you accept it as accurate as per your order, there is no exchange or refund possible.

Changes and cancellation

Any item additions, specification changes or quantity changes made to accepted order(s) will be modified in the order details. All sales are final, provided, however, item cancellations and quantity changes may be carried out before the order(s) is shipped. Kindly note that if our credit department doesn’t approve your credit or if there is any other problem(s) with your selected payment mode, then we may cancel any accepted order before the shipment, without liability.

If you have, by mistake, placed an order for a particular product(s) twice and if you like to have a refund of one transaction, then you have to inform us the same within 2 days through an e-mail or call. Kindly note that the courier expenses (both ways) shall be borne by you and a penalty of 10% of the transaction value shall be levied for the same. The amount paid for the same shall be refunded in 7 to 8 days or according to individual bank policies.

If the Company suspects any fraudulent transaction by any user or any transaction which is in contravention to the Terms of Use or are in the view of the Company suspicious, the Company may at our sole discretion cancel such orders.

Changes and cancellation

The Company may cancel part of the entire order initiated by the Buyer, regardless of whether the order has been confirmed and/or the payment is made, if:

  • Information, instructions and authorisations You provide is not complete or sufficient to execute the order;
  • Item is not in stock with the Company;
  • The transaction cannot be completed for any reason not in control of the Company;
  • Company is closed for business or is unable to deliver for any reason; or
  • You have not yet paid for the order prior to the time of delivery or pickup.

In case the Buyer has availed any discount coupon or similar benefit under any marketing or promotions provided by the Company in relation to the Products for which the order has been cancelled by the Buyer, the benefit may be restored to the Buyer entirely at the discretion of the Company.

Shipping Policy

In case there are orders for multiple Products placed by the Buyer, Company shall deliver such Products based on the availability of the stock and the Products may not be delivered simultaneously or will be delivered separately. In such cases, the Company shall communicate the availability of the Products and the delivery schedule to the Buyer.

You see the estimated delivery date before you place the order. The product will be approximately delivered within Minimum 5 to Maximum 7 Working days.